Top 7 Mobile App Development Trends to Catch Fire in 2020

This decade has witnessed an exponential growth In a phrase of mobile application development technologies such as Augmented reality, Virtual reality, cloud, blockchain, and more have been continuously gaining prominence throughout the 2010s.

These technologies have led to the rise of Need more connected and automated workplace. Here are I walk you through 7 Mobile App Development Trends that are sure to catch fire in 2020.

#1. On-demand Apps 

The on-demand app allows customers to order anything while cooling their heels at home or office. For example, apps such as Uber or Zomato enable you to book a ride or order food in no time. So, it comes as no surprise that that on-demand app economy is booming.

There on-demand babysitting apps, on-demand laundry apps, on-demand pet care apps, on-demand health care apps, on-demand grocery store apps, and so much more on-demand apps.

According to Harvard Business Review, the On-Demand economy is attracting more than 22.4 million consumers every year, and the spending is nearly $57.6 billion.

Stats and Facts of On-Demand Economy

Top 7 Mobile App Development Trends to Catch Fire in 2020

This decade has witnessed an exponential growth in terms of mobile application development. Technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, cloud, blockchain, and more have been continuously gaining prominence throughout the 2010s.

These technologies have led to the rise of a more connected and automated workplace.

Here are I walk you through 7 Mobile App Development Trends that are sure to catch fire in 2020.

#1. On-demand Apps 

The on-demand app allows customers to order anything while cooling their heels at home or office. For example, apps such as Uber or Zomato enable you to book a ride or order food in no time. So, it comes as no surprise that that on-demand app economy is booming.

There on-demand babysitting apps, on-demand laundry apps, on-demand pet care apps, on-demand health care apps, on-demand grocery store apps, and so much more on-demand apps.    

According to Harvard Business Review, the On-Demand economy is attracting more than 22.4 million consumers every year, and the spending is nearly $57.6 billion.

Stats and Facts of On-Demand Economy

As per Intuit forecast, 7.6M Americans will act as providers in On-demand economy 

As per Adroit Market Research, the on-demand labor market is expected to grow by 18.5% in the coming five years.

As per Adroit Market Research, The on-demand food delivery market hit $161.74 Billion by 2023.

As per the latest PwC report, the on-demand mobile apps and websites will reach a significant value of $335Billion by the year 2025.

As per CBInsight report of Global Unicorn Club, 23 out of 310 private companies who were valued at $1 billion by Jan 2019 belong to On-demand industry.

These stats vouches for the fact that the on-demand mobile app startups such as Uber and Netflix have given rise to a burgeoning market that both customers and investors are truly invested in. 

The demand for on-demand apps is such that whichever industry you look at, you will find an app development company working toward it to make it real-time.  

In fact, the on-demand mobile app economy will see 22.4 million users spending around $57.6 to get Real-time services. 

Annual On-Demand Economy Spending

These stats indicate that businesses who are planning to invest in on-demand mobile app development will be making more money over those who will be overlooking this opportunity.   

#2. Wearable Technology 

As per Statista’s report, the wearable market is significantly growing. The connected wearable devices market is expected to grow from 526 million in 2016 to over 1.1 billion in 2022.

Businesses, medical professionals, and military forces have been using wearable technology for quite some time now. Now, the wearable providers have consumer market on their radar and have started featuring wearables such as smartwatches, fitness and health trackers, smart jewelry, and more. 

Currently, smartwatches and health and fitness trackers are the most popular wearable devices. Nearly 167 million units of smartwatches and wristband devices are expected to be shipped by 2022. Apple’s watch OS is said to be the most used wristwear operating system in 2018 as against Google’s Android. 

Plus, there will be a significant increase in the integration of technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and contactless payments into wearable devices.

#3. Cloud Driven Apps

According to a Forbes article, “The office of the 1970s was built on paper files, the office of the 1980s was built on word processing, spreadsheets, and other PC software, and the office of the 1990s was built on websites. These days, the office is built on cloud-based apps.

If one looks at leading third-party apps downloaded to Google enterprise domains, you will be surprised to know that an array of productivity apps being downloaded from the cloud include collaborations apps to presentation software to project management tools.

And most of these apps could be accessed via Gmail, Google Docs, Google Contacts. 

5 most popular cloud-based apps downloaded into enterprises include:

  1.    LinkedIn
  2.    Boomerang
  3.    Rapportive
  4.    TripIt
  5.    Asana

CloudLock, a cloud security vendor, reports that employees are adding sophisticated knowledge and tools to their workflow, which, in turn, is helping them perform their jobs more efficiently and effectively.

The job of the IT admin is to simply monitor the solutions that are being used by employees so as to make sure that third-party apps are not accessing sensitive information, and more importantly, embrace the collaboration and productivity benefits that come with letting people work the way they want.   

#4: Mobile Wallets and Payment Gateways

More and more mobile applications are leveraging mobile wallets and payment gateways. Why? Because it’s considered to be a more secure form of payment compared to other alternatives.  Some of the latest mobile wallets such as Amazon Pay, Google Pay provide the best level of encryption in the payment space.

So, it comes as no surprise that the mobile payment space will touch an estimated $503 billion by 2020 according to a Business Insider report.

Also, several banks are into offering mobile banking services that encourage consumers to manage money via their mobile devices. It’s just a matter of time when making payments via mobile devices becomes the norm bringing in more revenue than credit or debit cards. 

#5. Augmented Reality

AR and VR development has been around since 2016 with games such as Pokemon Go that gave the trend the much-required leap.

Both augmented reality and virtual reality are expected to play an integral role in the future of app development and not just in the gaming industry, but retail, real estate, healthcare, and more. 

With a gamut of uses, you could see more and more of AR and VR making their presence felt in mobile apps in 2020 and beyond as more and more businesses have started recognizing the potential of these technologies.

#6. Location-Based Services

Apple’s iBeacon and Google’s Beacon are the most popular location-based services available today. Given that these devices have proven their worth, you could expect more devices to include this service for their business development purpose.

The location-based apps help marketers and business owners accumulate enough information on customer behavior, which they could use to accelerate sales.   

#7.  AI & machine learning

AI and Machine Learning are here to stay in the mobile app market.  

AI technology is being leveraged in the form of Chatbots. Siri, which is a combination of machine learning, and artificial intelligence, is a perfect symbolism of what AI and MI could offer to the world.

In 2020, we could expect AI and MI to grow beyond chatbots and Siri. Several organizations are already leveraging AI app development to build profitable businesses and decrease operational expenses.  

As per an IDC report, nearly 75% of the workers using ERP solutions will now be using AI to increase their proficiency in their workplace.  

All this means, AI and MI will witness significant opportunity of innovation in the future as well.

2020 & Beyond

Keeping yourself updated on the latest trends is one sure-fire way to make sure that you

are meeting the ever-evolving customer needs.

Have we missed out on any important trends that sure to shake up the industry like no other? Sure we have. Help us know about these trends in the comment section. 

Author Bio: I am Jennifer Warren, a Content Crafter with GoodFirms, a research and review platform for mobile app development companies, bot development, among many others. I consider myself an opinionated writer with a big appetite for books, buzzwords, and boatloads of bouquets.

Amar Singh
Digital marketer at Sky Developer----------------Offshore web application and software development company from India offers hire developer, Mobile Application development, services to USA, UK, AUS, India etc


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